Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Beyonce and Jay-Z Don’t Even Know the Meaning of the Word ‘Recession’

B and J: The 1700 Dollar Lunch

I don’t know about you, but this recession has taught me one thing: If it costs more than five dollars, I can’t afford to eat it. This has forced me to eat many meals at my local taco truck and lots and lots of steamed broccoli (great fiber, you guys), but honestly it hasn’t been that bad. Until today, anyway. That’s when I saw that Bey and Jay are going out and spending 1200 bones on a mid-day meal and leaving behind 500 dollar tips. Damn! Just the thought of that makes me want to go splurge on a seven dollar sandwich and get as crazy as my idols. Pics of the couple dining with who I assume are business partners below…

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