Today's Evil Beet Gossip


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  • It’s a shame that you CAN’T watch a good FAMILY show like this without someone or some RAG MAG starting a bunch of PURE BULL SHIT like this just to BOOST their RAG sells.

    Even though they (the RAG MAGS) know full well that the fallout will devastate the family, but do they (the RAG MAGS) care, hell no, as long as it boosts the RAG sells.

    Even IF it were true, that he or she were cheating or whatever, the facts are that it IS NOT OUR BUSINESS, let them handle it themselves not have the whole country know or decide what happens to them!

    How many of the employees of RAG MAGS are as INNOCENT LITTLE LAMBS?? This would also include most of the readers of said RAG MAGS, let us no forget the old saying, ‘People that live in glass houses should NEVER throw stones!”

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