Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

The above 2007 “interview”, in which Tracy Morgan calls out Oprah and impersonates a pregnant woman while lying on the news desk, will be used in its original format in an upcoming episode of 30 Rock, further blurring the line between TV and reality, and the line between being funny and being batshit fucking insane.

8 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Haha, what a whack job! He’s funny…. but it makes me wonder how much acting he really has to do on 30 rock…

  • how funny. I have been watching 30 rock all day. Thanks Kelly!! Is this a real interview? cuz it almost just seems like he is being his 30– or should I say dirty- rock persona? Or is he really like his character?

    Oh, I am so confused. And entertained.

    Sometimes I wish celebrities all did their interviews drunk. It’s a lot funnier.

  • He looks JUST like Lafayette from True Blood…

    I know it’s not the same guy. But they could pass as twins.

  • Tracy Morgan is an alcoholic and that is why he acts like that. His wife was leaving him awhile ago because of it.

  • Tracy Morgan is an alcoholic and that is why he acts like that. His wife was leaving him awhile ago because of it.

  • “this is forbidden love, right here!”

    fuggin hilarious!

    he gets away with this shit cause he’s like one of those funny bad-ass lil’ bay-bay kids from the hood, who’s so damn mischievous but funny at the same time so you can’t get mad at him.

    i love it when the lady anchor just balled up her paper & threw it in the end like…’i’m done’.

    so damn funny!