Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Jennifer Love Hewitt and Kellie Pickler at Fashion Week

I didn’t think any pictures of Kellie Pickler out of Fashion Week could get worse — and then she posed with Jennifer “I Can’t Find Love” Hewitt.


JLove has actually been all over Fashion Week, too, and while she’s a sight for sore eyes after all the pictures of Kellie I’ve had to stare at lately, she still isn’t looking her best at all. Ya know, she had this quirky set of facial features that were really adorable when she was 20, but as she ages they’re just not holding up. I’m glad she hasn’t decided to have them dis-assembled and re-assembled, Kellie-style, but I think she’s probably left her cutie-pie years behind. Then again, I kind of resent her for really long-ago shit in my personal life, so I’m not the least biased person here. Still.

26 CommentsLeave a comment

    • Ugh, I’ve talked about this before. We liked the same guy a long time ago — we were all spending the summer in La Jolla. She got him then, I ended up getting him years later, and, in general, I think we’re both glad we’re not with him today. Really hot guy, not too much going on upstairs. End of story.

      • Oh wow…that’s quite a story…where did you talk about this before? I must have missed it.

  • It looks like Pickler got an eyebrow lift. Thats what it looks like from the photos you published, Beet.

    Either way, shes looking a bit alien-ey. Weird…

  • Beet, I think you’re effin awesome and shit, but in the last week-or-so of posts you seem really down on the superficial stuff…like, commenting (in a semi-demeaning way) about how everyone looks…just seems more than usual. and, me, not being a supermodel, has left me feeling a bit inadequate. i don’t particularly care about either of those in the photo (who’s the blonde chick?) but, c’mon…

    • Eloise! I don’t think Beet is trying to make anyone feel down. I think Beet is just giving us what we crave. Gossip. (It’s not personal btw.)

      When someone is ravaged by plastic surgery it is gossip (even if it’s ‘superificial’).

      Btw, the blond chick is a former cast member of American Idol. She ‘came out’ about her depression when her boyfriend dumped her about six months ago (that was her — right?) and so I think she may be self-medicating which is never good!

  • Oh no, I only saw the picture and I thought, “Wow, that’s the best picture of Tori Spelling I’ve seen recently.”

    Kellllllllllly, nooo. =(

  • Uhmm Kellie Pickler looks like a Deer in the Headlights…

    that’s just scary.

    That is SOOOOOOO sad too!! She really is a beautiful (and somewhat dumb) Southern girl!!

  • Jennifer looks good to me. ‘Think your resentment is coloring your prespective, Beet. Or your flu. You sure are sick a lot…getcha some DanActive to boost your immune system and be careful what ya touch…always good advice!

  • Jennifer looks good to me too, better than in previous years. Her pointy facial features don’t seem to stick out as much and her eyes look nice. But it wasn’t ever about her face really, she was only hot because her giant boobs.

  • Jennifer looks good to me too, her facial features seem less pointy and her eyes look nice. It was never about her face though she was only hot because of her giant boobs.

  • Hope you’re feeling better, Beet.

    I don’t think this will help :). Check out D-listed for another “Kellie-scare-the-crap-out-of-you-Pickler” picture !!

  • I’m sorry.. I actually can’t say anything about this picture…there seems to be.. a… bright light of some sorts.. burning.. my eyes…can’t see..