Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“The baby comes wherever I go, and I just like looking at her, watching her breathe. I stand over her crib and watch her breathe. It’s pathetic. My mum says I’m over-bonded. I don’t care. I’m just very bonded right now … I don’t want my baby photographed. I just couldn’t have her exposed. She’s my baby girl, and I’m very protective, and I’m still hormonal. I keep her close. I just wanted to be in the bubble of Keith, Sunday, Bella and Connor and me. That was the bubble for the first month … She’s just barely rolling over, smiling and giggling. She looks just like her daddy. She’s got my skin, unfortunately. I wanted her to have dark skin. She’s so pale, and she has to wear zinc cream and hats. Poor Sunday. There’s no frolicking on the beach.”

Nicole Kidman discusses her four-month-old baby, Sunday Rose, in an interview with USA Today.

Is anyone else a little shocked that she even remembers that she has two other kids?

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  • Not in the least. It’s in the media’s best interest to promote the idea that she has abandoned her adopted kids because she’s had a biological one. Whenever she is interviewed she talks about her kids, she just doesn’t whore them out to the media. She never did, even when she and Tom were married.

  • @Krz Completely agree….

    …she’s bad if she flaunts her adopted kids (…”by the way, you know my kids are adopted? yeah, they’re adopted.. I have adopted kids… they’re like the new black” … )

    … but also bad if you doesn’t… no one can ever win with you people.

  • I think she is very close to her kids…i just hate the way the media ALWAYS calls them her ADOPTED kids. They don’t do that to Brangelina, or Steven Spielberg, Michelle Pfeiffer, or Sharon Stone. That’s wack. She’s had those kids since they were babies…there are her children. period.

    btw-i 2nd the notion that she’s not the famewhoring type. she “knows her place” and leaves that to ‘His Shortness’.

  • Why doesn’t Nicole Kidman ever talk about or take photographs with the children she adopted with Tommy Girl? Did she give up custody or perhaps is suffering from amnesia? There is something very weird about her? This is the first time, in a very long while that she has acknowledged Bella and Connor. Weird!?!?

  • unlike tom & his fembot wife i think nic just doesn’t like to have any of her kids photographed. i don’t blame her one bit.

  • there are no photos of her with her kids because she rarely sees them. There are plenty of sightings of her out & about and you never hear of one with the kids. Never. She knows how to “whore” out the kids when she needs to. You think the paps just happen to find her on a very busy London street with the baby? She also said she would never release a photo of Sunday Rose and guess what? She did, during a PR stop on Oprah. Some of you really need to take off the blinders.

  • Whats with the hate?. She looks much happier now that she is with Keith. Tom and Katie are both robots, Nicole was smart to split with that madman! it is also nice to see that she isn’t selling her baby pics, that shows you she isn’t doing it for the sake of money or fame.

    Also I think she deserves more respect. I agree with Rhonilove. The media always portrays her in a bad light.

  • @ forgetting her older children:

    She dedicated most of her Oscar acceptance speech to her older daughter and how she wants most to be a good example. It wasn’t about thanking her agent or being all breathy and spastic like when Sarah Jessica Parker wins something. What was on her mind was her daughter.

    I have heard her speak of her children often. But I guess people think “good moms” are the ones that trot their kids out all the time. I see Kelly Ripa’s daughters on those TV commercials, and it makes steam blow out of my ears.

  • What’s with the Tom hate? I thought this was a post about Nicole!

    I’m not surprised that Nicole mentions Bella and Connor. If I adopted children and then gave birth, I wouldn’t drop my adopted kids like their hot. Tom and Nicole have done a great job ensuring that Bella and Connor don’t feel left out.

    Gosh, I can recall a time when Tom and Nicole were VERY happy together. I feel so damn old. -__-

  • haha it’s like she remembered at the last second….me, sunday, keith…oh yeah and connor and bella.

    poor kids.

    but i guess i can only assume, i hope they’re not being neglected by their famous parents, their famous step-parents, and their famous half-celebuspawn-siblings…

  • I think it’s lovely that she has found a sense of peace with all of her children and her husband. Don’t forget: after Tom left her, she had a miscarriage, which is such a painful exoerience alone, and exceptionally so when your husband abandons you at the same time.

    With all the snarkiness about celebrities selling photos of their newborns, I find it distasteful that someone would then turn around and say something like – Nicole Kidman is never photographed with her children because she never sees them. Yeah… I’m talking about you, Natalie. When was the last time you saw Tom Cruise in a photo with Bella and Connor? It’s all Suri & Katie – 24/7.

    What’s sad when you look at it all, is then you realize that Tom & Nicole were a great partnership with the same values in regards to protecting their children from the press – unlike Mommie Dearest Katie.

    Don’t even get me started on how his loss of Nicole and the arrival of Katie became the end of his apparent sanity.

  • Everytime I look at this one, I think Bree Vandekamp from Desperate Housewives. They are I convinced one in the same.

  • Some people that sell baby photos (angelina) give the money to charity. I think that’s great. Some photog will EVENTUALLY get a shot- so why not be able to help someone out with all that “interest” people might have. If I were a baby and my mom would’ve sold my baby pic to donate money to help cancer kids- or ever animal rescue missions- i don’t care- knowing that I helped someone before I could even talk would make me feel really good.
    Just saying

  • LOL @ Erin- you really think those are Kelly Ripa’s “daughters”. She only has one daughter, those are called “actresses”!

  • i can’t believe how creepy she looks so botox’ed. and this australia movie, i’m sure it’s a pet project, but how could the world care less about your country? you already made this movie better, it was called far and away