Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Um, Will Somebody Please Take Allegra Versace to the Hospital?

I’m sorry, but what in God’s name is this girl doing walking red carpets?

She’s like twenty seconds away from full cardiac arrest.

Seriously if I were Donatella I’d be all like, “Listen, young lady. If you want to pose on the red carpet with me next week, you have to spend the remainder of this week in your room. Hooked up to IV nutrients. Capiche?”

Here’s Allegra, dying in front of an international audience, at Fashion Group International’s 25th Annual Night of Stars in NYC.

Also there: Blake Lively, Penn Badgley, Ivanka Trump, Ashley Olsen, Mamie Gummer and Kate Bosworth, whose recent fashion choices are making my head explode.

59 CommentsLeave a comment

  • i think i totally just vomit in my mouth a little. someone needs to give that girl some cake on an IV drip. i can’t look anymore, quick, post something on raven whatsername again.

  • oh god, she’s starting to look like a female marc anthony.

    I can’t believe her mom isn’t getting her to rehab. We all saw this coming a few months ago. This is terrible.

  • oh my god.
    all i can think is that i couldn’t stand there and pose and smile for a picture with her!
    i don’t know how they’re doing it.
    it’s fucking surreal.

  • Thats the most skinny arm I’ve seen. o_O
    That can’t be healthy.
    I would so rather be fat than look like that, gross D:

  • i think she looks totally hot. of course, she’d look even better deep fried and served with celery and blue cheese dressing as an appetizer at chili’s.

  • Jesus. Poor girl… She was probably brought there to make Marc Anthony look healthy. Nothing really appropriate and funny can be said about something that dire.

    On another note, Kate Bosworth looks like she’s sporting a dress made of Joe Biden hairplugs. Like Katie Holmes, she should just stop trying to be a “cutting edge” fashionista and try “classical beauty.”

    While I am at it, I think Ivanka trump is a really good looking lady (OK, here come the naysayers!) but she has the highest waist I have ever seen on anyone under 86 years old! Seriously… I haven’t seen anyone sport a waistline that high since Cocoon. Was her father really Wilford Brimley?!

  • A letter to Donatella….

    Dear Donatella, you have failed as a parent. I recently read an article where you were quoted saying a woman should never wear anything other than high heels. Gross. Did you also say that a woman should never way more than 65 lbs, too? I think you need to focus on your kid and leave the fashion to better designers. I haven’t seen a nice versace ANYTHING since before you took over the house. Please take the time to better your child before she dies.


  • Picture full of crazies, right there. Poor Allegra. With how long she has been fighting this disease, she won’t live to be very old, and she has so much ahead of her.

  • It’s a strange world isn’t it Beet? If they weigh too much they get people insulting the hell out of them and insisting that they lose weight. Then you have people who’ve fallen under the pressure and they become bulimic and the same people make fun of them for being too incredibly skinny.

    Who’s at fault? I’m sure Raven is next.. if she lost 20 pounds because you heckled her then you could ‘take credit for forcing her to be healthy’ but if she buckled and loses it by throwing up and loses too much weight then hey.. at least she’s fodder for some fun bulimic jokes.

    Yay for ruining the self esteem of young girls everywhere. Yay! :)

  • @Karma

    It is, indeed, awfully strange of me to expect people to take responsibility for their own physical well-being and self-esteem. What a crazy world we’d live in if no one could blame anyone else for problems they don’t feel like solving for themselves. I certainly wouldn’t want to live in a world like that. You wouldn’t, either. It would probably mean you’d have to stop eating so damn much.

    And it’s not exactly self-esteem if the esteem comes from a blogger, now is it?

    Your argument fails.

    Yay! :)

  • @Dmarie: That’s Donatella Versace… after all of her crappy surgeries she looks like Doctor Zaius from Planet of the Apes.

  • Donatella looks almost as bad. Look at her waist in that first picture compaired to her head! It looks photoshopped on.

  • I think too many people are using the media, and such, as a scapegoat to all sorts of issues.
    It’s so much easier to blame your low self esteem on tv or magazines.
    It’s easier to say that it was the type of music children are listening to is causing them to be violent, rather than the parents who choose to ignore warning signs.
    Children develop a lot of eating, mental, physical, psychological problems because their parents are too busy and self involved to pay attention to them.
    Start listening to your kids and stop blaming it on everyone else.

  • I have a niece with an eating disorder like that. She won’t eat in front of other people, even her family, because she feels so ‘fat’ and thinks we’ll judge what she is putting in her mouth. She’s been in treatment and her mother blames herself because she has always been such a fanatic about her own weight. She’s doing better but now she’s off at college – freshman year. We are all terrified she may slip back into old habits.

    It’s strange, what a hold food can have over your life if you let it. some eat for comfort, some eat to fill a ‘void’, some won’t eat because they’ve twisted their own image of themselves.

  • Eyes of Green

    I know what your niece is going through, I used to NEVER eat in front of ANYBODY. I lived on black coffee, energy pills, and nicotine. I would also exercise until I passed out.
    I think it also had a lot to do with “control”, I felt could completely control what went into my body. Even though it was the food controlling me, and not me controlling the food.
    It’s not her mother’s fault by being a fanatic about her own weight, there are so many more factors involved, and it sounds like she is aware of the problem, and is trying to help her daughter out the best way she can.

  • @ Beet

    Your argument makes no sense. How can it be self esteem if it’s coming from a blogger? Are you seriously misunderstanding what I said on purpose? Tons of girls read your blogs, therefor when you say that Raven needs to lose some ‘fucking weight’ then those girls get that you are saying that if they are overweight then they are disgusting. You said it not me.

    Now, only days later you have a girl who’s succumbed to the peer pressure in the fashion world and is probably bulimic, she’s dangerously thin and if she doesn’t get help she will probably die. And what do you do? You make fun of her. I was simply pointing out that you are among the people that girls listen to when they are told that being overweight is disgusting and therefor go to extremes to be ‘normal’. Hypocrite much?

    So, you should go on writing your page the way you see fit. Obviously it’s your page. I was simply pointing out that maybe, just maybe, you could have a little bit of consideration for the girls who read your site. Just because some people think it’s funnier when you are mean doesn’t always make it right.

  • Hey Karma,
    I honestly doubt this blog would have that much influence on the young girls who read it to lose weight, if anything it would encourage them to keep a healthy balance. Don’t be as big as Raven, because over eating is also a problem, but don’t go to extremes and be as thin as Allegra.
    I’m sure they get enough pressure from their peers to want to lose weight, let’s not mention the people around them in their everyday lives that reinforce the idea that skinny is in?
    What about the fashion industry who insist that the models look like a bunch of starving pre pubescent boys?
    You can’t blame one blog for the skewed views of our young girls, and you can’t get mad at a blogger for posting their opinions.

  • Everyone gets made fun of here, not just the fatties and the anorexics. It’s an equal opportunity blog!

    Celebs, as well as real life people, need to take responsibility for their own actions. If I succumb to peer pressure Saturday night and do ten shots of vodka with my friends at the bar; then I wake up in my own vomit in a gutter–this is my fault. It is my decision.

    Both Raven and Allegra are old enough to know that it’s unhealthy to be very overweight or very underweight.

  • My wrists are bigger than her arms. And if someone’s self esteem is ruined by reading a blog or an issue of US weekly, they need to grow a pair and step into the real world.

  • forget the iv drip. jennifer lopez forgot to pump her right breast. there is enough there for the twins, marc and allegra. wowzer!

  • I don’t get from this post that Beet was making fun of Allegra. She’s basically pointing out the obvious–the woman needs help, she’s dying, and her mother should do something about it other than pose with her on the red carpet. Although in fairness, I’m sure Donatella has tried to help her daughter. Also, this isn’t some paparazzi photo invading Allegra’s privacy; this is a publicity photo, meant for everyone to see, so what’s the problem with bloggers or anyone else making comments about it? It’s sad to see someone with so many resources at their disposal who still can’t get on top of things, and I feel bad for her.

    Now , will somebody please take Donatella Versace to the vet?

  • “It would probably mean you’d have to stop eating so damn much.”

    I love your blog, Beet, but you assume that because Karma has a problem with one of your posts that it automatically means that it hits her (I’m assuming she’s a ‘her’) at home.

    You’re getting kind of mean lately. Before it was all snark and fun and now it seems like you’re going out of your way to be mean about any post that crosses your desk. What happened to old Beet?

  • Even if Allegra gets help soon she’s going to have health problems the rest of her life. I have a friend who starved herself in high school and now has osteoporosis – and she’s not even 30! Growing up in the high fashion industry must be extremely difficult.

  • I had a friend with an eating disorder, so looking at this photo makes me sad. Like my friend, Allegra’s hair looks thin. her face looks drawn, and her arms are just scary. She was looking better for a while, but it looks like she had a relapse. I hope she gets the help that she needs.

  • what creeps the hell out of me is how everyone’s smiling so damn happily in that pic

    makes them an accomplice somehow

  • Poor lass. In one sense I agree she shouldn’t be allowed onto the red carpet but on the other, those around her are probably just trying to keep it real ‘in her circles that is’. What do they do? – lock her away and make her even more unhappy than she already is? Not a good role model for young girls but surely they can look at her and think that’s just not healthy or attractive and not want to go there. You would think? I hope so. She looks like she’s not long for this world.

  • beet’s comments were fine… she was rightly putting out that allegra is unhealthily skinny, but saying it in an absolutely hilarious way.

    while i understand complaints about scrutiny of people’s body images, first, people’s bodies should be under scrutiny. it is neither healthy to be obese nor underweight, and neither of these conditions should be supported in society. while some people may be prone to being on the thinner or heavier side because of their genetics, people also need to take control of their habits, lifestyles and self-confidence to attain a healthy weight/body. healthy does not mean you have to look like a gorgeous actress or model–it just means you have to be healthy!

    and also, these are celebrities we’re talking about here. however much they may complain about criticism and over-scrutiny by the media, these people have chosen these lives. raven and allegra could move to kansas tomorrow and become a farmer (sorry to people from kansas, i’m just using as an example… they could move to upstate new york, where im from, and do the same thing), and you can be sure no papparazi would follow them there. however, they don’t, they stay in their famous careers, putting themselves publicly in front of the media, because they like the benefits of it.

    and on a lighter note, this is one of the most unappealing pictures i have seen lately… ew.. and poor allegra, she used to be so gorgeous when she was healthy!

  • Wow! That is really bad…poor thing…she needs to be in rehab. I don’t understand how her face isn’t even more gaunt…or how she has hair left. Normally by that point your hair is even thinner…but I can’t be mad at her…she can’t just suddenly stop…it is an addiction and she really needs help. Hopefully someone will be able to get through to her.

  • … and now we have Donatella and her daughter to thank for debunking that “sexy Italian female” stereotype… well played…

  • @ PurpleMonkeyPaws

    I think too many people are using the media, and such, as a scapegoat to all sorts of issues.
    It’s so much easier to blame your low self esteem on tv or magazines.—-

    I totally agree with that. Most of the people I know that have eating disorders were not really that affected with media, television, celebrities, etc. It was a huge control thing. Sometimes it could begin with a “I wish I was thinner” or “I wish my body was like so-and-so’s,” but once it becomes a full-fledged disorder, it was (usually) about being able to control something in a chaotic life.

    So sad. Poor little Allegra. I hope someone gets her help.. again. It would be such a horrible way to die. :( Those pictures are horrible. Not only does she look awful… she seriously looks like walking death. It’s so sad.

  • i find it telling that people have sympathy for anorexics because they know anorexia’s a complex disease and you need treatment to recover from it. but fewer people have sympathy for overweight people and tell them to stop overeating and exercise more. maybe saying that to an overweight person is no more helpful than telling an anorexic to eat more.

    perhaps if we considered obesity a complex disease which requires treatment to overcome, we could concentrate on helping people instead of tearing them down.

    personally, i’d like more gossip about what celebrities are saying and doing and less about picking apart how they look.

  • this is kind of gossip about what celebrities are “doing”- Allegra is not eating. That is doing something, no?

  • Girls i know have been affected by “pro-ana” sites same as blog-sites… now that’s a fact and therefore i totally agree with karma.

  • Coral, I agree with you about obesity.

    I think this picture is so sad. It’s horrible to see anyone whose problems are made so starkly clear, whether it’s someone to thin or too fat or shaving off all their hair in front of the paparazzi.

  • I agree with Coral too. And it is absurd that to think that anything anyone puts out there effects nothing. I’m not saying one blog post is going to make someone starve themselves or start eating like crazy – but gimme a break – everyone should be accountable for what they say and write. I have a pretty nice body but sometimes looking at fashion magazines does make me feel bad about myself – more so when I was a teen or in my early twenties. I just don’t look at them much anymore, my healthy form never seems to look like the women in those magazines – plus I can’t afford the clothes and that sucks!!

  • god your ignorant. anorexia is an illness. she has been struggling with this for a long time and i doubt she and her family dont know there is anything wrong with her.

    its alittle more complicated then telling her she needs to eat! its likes telling someone with bipolar to ‘snap out of it’

  • Wonder how she is doing now. I pray that she will get the proper help as I don’t see her around for much longer.

  • Allegra has been getting treatment in LA for the last couple of years. I worked at the hospital where she receives treatment. In the late afternoon, she and her mom and their Italian 3-man posse have sat next to me in the quad. No one knows who they are. Allegra looks like a 10 year old but speaks and translates English to Italian and back fluidly on her cell phone – she’s not disabled in that way, believe me.
    She is sick, but has nurses who are quite “healthy” who don’t put up with her crap. Last time I saw her about a year ago she was hooked up to five IVs and running around the medical center trying to burn calories. As this medical center is famous for it’s treatment of Anorexics, I can say that it’s not vanity, it’s a a very sad disease.