Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Sticky & Sweet & Scary & Strong

Madonna was in action at the Meadowlands IZOD Center tonight.  Does she look like a creepy, blond Slash or a hot 50 year-old?  I’m conflicted but I’ll tell you this:  Her thighs scare the hell out of me.

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  • No, totally creepy. Here exercise bulimia created this. The woman is terrified of age and gaining weight. Don’t get me wrong though, she is a force of nature, freaky or not.

  • The lighting on the back of her left thigh looks very strange….and the stink face?? Scary pic…

  • She is now the female version of Charlie and the Chocolate factory and yes, they both scare me.
    sticky and sweet and missing a teeth.

  • yea i agree, shes freaky but she can pull off the sold out concerts at age 50 while wearing panties and fishnets stocking, AT AGE 50!

    Think about the 50 year olds you know…

    So yea shes freaky and gots to gracefully change her shtick, but i guess she can still pull it off…

    its all the damn gays lol, theyr keeping madonna relevant

  • It’s unbelievable to me that anyone would care about, or, pay money to see this self-centered, egotistical old hag prancing around on stage doing what is (underneath the somewht different costumes over the years) the same tired, old act that she has been fooling her audience with for decades. Or, is it centuries?

  • lol @ ricardo

    It’s not just the gays, I and my kind are guilty as well.

    I’ve been, dancing, singing, skating, choreographing, and performing to Madonna’s work all my life.
    She’s damn good at what she does.

  • Ewww. The fish net can’t hide the yuk. It’s scary, that in these hard timed, that people paid money to look at this hateful mess.
    She sucked (face) the sanity out of Britney and she sucked the life out of A-Rod’s marriage.
    Please don’t insult Slash! Just stop doing that!

  • I’m sorry to say this but enough already! How tin and veiny do her arms have to get before she’s satisfied. Although I’m totally sure she could crush a walnut with those gams, her arms scare me more than anything.

    I wish every famous woman would go the Helen Mirren route. That woman is hot but not freakish. Her body looks amazing but real.

  • She’s a major talent and just look at how happy the audience clearly is, she nailed it the people got what they deserved – a professional, doing a great job and pure entertainment. That’s all she owes anyone, doing her job well.

    Hell half the time you see a show it’s a joke. She should be commended for doing the job she does, not maligned for getting in shape to do her job. She knows what shape she needs to be in to do nearly 3 hours 5 nights a week and is willing to do it. She should be applauded. Go see a Janet Jackson concert if you don’t like it. Oh wait…

  • it’s the gays and closet lesbians who keep her relevant.. all that disposable income that comes from having no kids