Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Guess That Celebrity!

About a month ago, I had the opportunity to check out an early screening of Garden Party, the new indie flick that’s generating a ton of buzz in LA circles. I have to say that I loved the movie, and I love these new clips being circulated to promote it. The producers invited a bunch of twenty-somethings on the Hollywood party circuit to come in and tell them an interesting story about their lives in LA — and you have to guess the celebrity they’re referencing.

There’s a bunch more where this one came from, and I’ll be bringing ’em to you as soon as the producers release them.

(By the way, if you’re not sure of the answer, stay tuned until the very end … it’ll become obvious.)

15 CommentsLeave a comment

  • lol there’s no way she could have been attracted to andy dick OR perez hilton so I’m going with Vincent Gallo, who’s weird and considered attractive by some (undoubtedly crazy) people.

  • Well, I’m gonna go with Andy Dick…but I really don’t think that it became obvious at the end. So, who is it?

  • um, it can’t be andy because the night didn’t include getting WAY too effed up in public and him making out with 19 yr old boys.

  • I’d say Vincent Gallo because she said she’d been watching movies and Perez Hilton surely hasn’t been in any movies for more than like 5 seconds- not long enough to get a crush on plus he is fugly and likes boys. No movie with Andy Dick in it could possibly result in a girl getting a crush on him…could it?

  • So what was the point of the “I was in a car accident on my bike” part of the story?


  • @JayJay Um, it’s been edited weird, but following her bike accident, she says, she was watching lots of Vincent Gallo movies while she was laid up (with a broken ankle, foot, leg, rib, whatever). Hence the weird celebrity crush that compelled her to “just go for it.”