Today's Evil Beet Gossip

So Little Time, So Much Britney News

Some very important Britney Spears news on the horizon today:

1) Her mother’s book on parenting is now slated for a September release. It was supposed to come out a few months back, but then her teenage daughter got pregnant and her adult daughter got hospitalized for crazy and all of a sudden it didn’t seem like such a great time to release a book touting her parenting skillz.

2) Britney’s much-ballyhooed cameo in the upcoming Pussycat Dolls video wound up on the cutting room floor. She won’t appear in the final cut of the video. No word on why.

3) Holy freakin’ hell, Britney Spears’ name is on the Emmy ballot for her guest role on How I Met Your Mother. One of her competitors is Mary-Kate Olsen, for her guest role on Weeds. Nominees will be announced later this summer.

4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Awww She should totally be in that video!

    and I love brit with all my heart but REALLY?? to that Emmy thing…i mean she was decent and cute but I wouldnt think of an emmy for that lol

  • that is truly one of the most fucked up things i ever heard!! bitch doesn’t deserve shit