Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Lily Allen looked so pretty on the red carpet before the Glamour awards.

This is how she looked after.

Said Lily on her MySpace blog the day after:

“Oh dear. Last time I wrote here, I was defending my honour and dignity, explaining my innocence and also outrage at the press for insinuating my behaviour was embarrassing. This time I’m putting my hands up. I got very drunk last night, too drunk. It’s not cool getting that drunk. I feel awful and I have to thank my little brother Alf for getting me home safely. Kids, drink responsibly or you’ll end up looking like this – not pretty! Was quite fun though, from what I can remember. Need fry up now.”

Hey, at least she copped to it and didn’t give some bullshit excuse about “exhaustion.”

Oh, by the way, the pink hair? “I dyed my hair pink this afternoon in my own bathroom,” she said at the event.

21 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Clutching her Glamour award and being carried like a drunken sack of potatoes. Classy.

  • i think she’d adorable. her entire outfit is really cute, and i think her hair looks fun.

    and she did fess up to being out of her mind, unable to walk drunk, unlike other celebrities in the past.

    plus, her shoes are just plain adorable. the color in the first shot is amazing.

  • I guess that’s the perks of being a celeb. People carry to you the car and you don’t have to stumble and fall on your face and wake up wondering where that bruise came from.

  • not many people her age would cope to being an idiot – good for her, i think it’s great she can openly admit that – we’ve all done it

  • I love that the design on her dress is basically bambi with his carotid artery severed! I think she deserves to have a drink or six- she has had a pretty busy year! I love her!

  • She used to be so annoying and such an attention whore. Her attention seeking ways come back every now and then, but now I just feel sorry for her. She’s a relatively nice girl.

  • thats funny. “it was quite fun though.” lolz.

    but…i do think that it is really responsible how she apoligized.


  • Aww, she’s the sweetest! And who hasn’t been in this state, really? I love that she’s just straight up; doesn’t try too hard or be someone she’s not. Hooray Lily!

  • Good for her. We’ve all gotten that drunk (I’ll be recently) and woken up embarrassed as shit and been afraid that our friends hate us. Imagine also having to see pictures online and in newspapers. Fuck that would suck.

    And she’s really young, she’s allowed to do that to her hair.

  • She’s the greatest.

    I love the way she actually explains what went wrong instead of making some other shit up, and let’s all be honest now, that happens to everybody atleast once or twice.

  • She’s great! I love her attitude and how she always speaks her mind, I’m her biggest fan for it!

    Oh and her songs are cool too :p

  • While looking at the last picture i wondered, why the hell is this guy’s hand on her boob???? Is that how you carry somebody????? Never been carried like that in my life.

  • Wow, what a soldier! Give me a break, at least she is admitting to it, what fucking choice did the stupid bitch have? Not like she could skirt around it. I love her advice at the end, then “but it was fun from what I remember” what a douche she is!

  • I love Lily Allen, her blog is great, I think its great that she writes it and sticks up for herself and shit instead of relying on a publicist all the time to do it.