Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Lily Allen sports bright pink hair at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards in the UK.

And what’s with the dress with the headless, bloody horses?

It reminds me a lot of this dress we saw on Tomoe Shinohara last week.

Are these dresses by the same designer, or is headless, bloody art the latest fashion trend?

17 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Just to clarify, I believe the dress is actually featuring a decapitated Bambi, not a horse.

    On a side note, though, I think the pink is actually kind of cute.

  • It seems too late to be commenting on such silly things. Let’s all go to bed and make tomorrow a much better day for all, shall we?

    Tally forth!

  • Oh, it’s Bambi alright.

    I know Bambi is a fictional character. I realize this. But does Lily also sleep in mink sheets and dabble in vivisection from time-to-time? ANIMAL ABUSE is hiLARious! Har har! !

    What a dumb twat. It’s such an juvenile move — that whole, “I feel really shitty about my appearance because ALLLLL I fucking do is drink and pass out in my FATHER’S lap (creepy, BTW) and snort shit up my ginormous nose and it shows in my bloated-ass body and awful skin, so I’m going to deflect from that by wearing something really offensive to a pretty sizeable amount of people!” thing.

    You know. That thing.

  • Ok we all remember when Britney was wearing the pink hair…. now it’s decapitated bambi, next it’s the umbrella at the cameramen frenzy! FREAK!

  • Yeah, I think it’s the same designer as that other chic. Ida know how I feel about it, it’s kind-a creepy. I do like her pink hair. I just hope it’s for one day, for this event to look cute. Not because she’s going bat shit crazy like Brit did! Plus I think saying ‘bat shit crazy’ in a sentence is funny!

  • Creepy dress aside, I think Lily Allen’s pink hair is FREAKING AWESOME. I had pink hair a few months back and it was made of amazing. I think it suits her skin tone really well.

    The dress on the other hand… creepy and over the top. WHERE DO I LOOK FIRST, OH GOD?!?! Lily, decapitated Bambi is not cute, nor tongue-in-cheek like she probably hoped it to be. Ew.

  • I love her dress and especially her hair! I used to have vibrant blue hair and it was beautiful……

  • YA” know I never could understand why she wore the dress? Lily Allen never talked about it! But then again it doesn’t matter, I think it’s great that she doesn’t worry about what other people think!

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