Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Not Letting Motherhood Get in the Way of Partying …

Once again, Christina Aguilera left a Hollywood nightclub with a LOT of help.

This time, it was Villa Lounge.

Now, I’m not saying you can’t still go out and have a good time after you have children, but really, Christina, mightn’t it be a good idea to avoid the paparazzi hangouts?

17 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Hahahaha, I was asking how long would it last before she’d jump back to parties and getting drunk… Not to long I guess :D

  • Word, Mercedes. After years of partying wouldn’t you just want to cuddle with your new little baby for a change. I don’t know, I don’t have kids, It’s only one baby not like she has 8 and can’t wait to get out.

  • let’s just put it this way, mr. and miss universe need not fear that christina and jordan will be taking their crowns away anytime soon. what is that word i’m looking for?…. oh right UNATTRACTIVE.
    his lips rival angelina’s and that look just isn’t good on him. and i’d like to chisel and scrape and sand the make-up off xtina’s face, just to see if what i am imagining is true….she really is that homely….

    yeah, and the going out thing…some women would not be inclined to go out much in the first year or two of their baby’s life, but maybe it’s just because they don’t have the nanny power that a celeb has…

  • Ida know, I’m a mom of 2 a & try to go out once a month with friends & I often drink too much too! I do agree that she should choose some place that the paparazzi don’t hang out at. That’s what I do :-)

  • jojo- She is homely. I was on the military security detail when she did essence in… i think ’04, and because she showed up to rehearsal with no makeup, she made the producers tell everyone in the crew; including us, to turn around while she was rehearsing…. WACK! lol… true story though.

    and her outfit is average–at best.

  • if anyone needs a few drinks now and then it’s a new parent. donkey punch: you can breast feed and drink the occasional beer, too. you just pump milk ahead of time and refrigerate it. so i’m told by my friends who have breastfed.

  • She’s probably got bonding problems, dread of body changes and mommy depression and anxiety.. but her jerk husband doesn’t recognize the emotional problems so he could seek the treatment for the disorder.
    Someone needs to send her a copy of This Isn’t What I Expected: Overcoming Postpartum Depression by Valerie Raskin

  • If i had to wake up next to Jordan Bratman every morning, I’d be getting hammered too. That boy is butt fugly!