Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Taylor Swift at CMAs, Pictures, Photos

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  • Okay normally I love getting on the, “let’s ridicule everyone until our faces (and in this case finger) fall off” train, but seriously. How many times do I have to see the phrase “baby whore” in the comments section of this site? I’m all for tearing somebody down because of their complete lack of fashion sense, but please have the common decency to bring a little intelligence into the mix. Baby whore? What does that even mean? It’s ridiculous. And as for her eyes being closed, it’s quite possible that she was *gasp* blinking while one of the 10 million camera flashes was going off. I’m pretty sure the red carpet isn’t a staring contest. At some point you have to blink, and it’s probably going to get capture on film. Jesus.

  • Love the dress, love the hair, she looks like the ONLY one who gave a second thought to what she was wearing, instead of rummaging for a dress at the Salvation Army.

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