Today's Evil Beet Gossip



It “bears all the credibility and seriousness of flying saucers from Mars or leprechauns. Or any manner of malicious, paranoid superstition. In other words, it’s bullshit. It’s a complete disaster. It’s an act of fascist madness.”

Tommy Lee Jones, on the fence going up along the Texas/Mexico border to prevent immigration.

14 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Good fences do make good neighbors. But they don’t keep the neighbors cats from pooping in your backyard.

  • For some reason I feel like taking a nap in his face. I think it looks comfy, like a messy bed. Is that weird?

  • i love this quote so much, i put it on my facebook!!! the wall is supposed to cut through the University of Texas at Brownsville too!…ridiculous shit

  • The hell with the Mexicans. We took California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas from them fair and square decades ago.

  • How old are you Chuck? –Decades ago??

    And by fair and square you mean “offered to purchase the land ‘fair and square’ and when Mexico said HELL NO, the US beat the living shit out of them and then took more land than what was initially asked for”..

  • Hey! Lay off dissing the Leprechauns!!!!! They happen to be real, thank you very much. Just like our porous border. Sorry Tommy. But we need to seal that. Our infrastructure can’t support taking care of America’s needs AND the unwashed masses. And I don’t want to hear that Statue of Liberty bullshit either. America was less populated than. We can’t just let folks flow in anymore.

    Also, what about those people who are applying for citizenship the legal way???? Huh Tommy? What about them? They stand in line, fill out their forms, memorize useless historical trivia like who Millard Filmore was only to have some illegal cut in line with a shrug, and the excuse of “you can’t stop us”.

    The fence might not be a deterrent, but a gun will. How about the policy of ” We are building this fence. It is primarily for show, and probably won’t do any good, but we are backing that fence up with a gun. Come here and we will fucking shoot you. Have a nice day.