Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kate Beckinsale Prefers Her Sushi Warm and with a Clitoris


Kate Beckinsale was being interviewed by Moviefone for her new film, Snow Angels, and they mentioned that she’d recently told a reporter that she’d rather eat vagina than sushi. They asked her to elaborate on that point. Here’s what Kate had to say:

I have to say, sushi freaks me out more than almost anything. At least a vagina would be warm. [laughs] My publicist has literally turned a funny color and is going to go have a lie-down. He’s throwing up now, as well. I find a lot of things kind of funny and I often say what’s on my mind, and then get nine texts from all my friends going, “What’s the matter with you?” But I haven’t ever made a big attempt to have any particular image. And I don’t really worry about it.

At least a vagina would be warm??? Ew. Have you ever been eating a piece of sushi and thinking to yourself, “You know, this would be better if they’d microwave it first”? No. No one wants warm sushi. On the other hand, dudes always want to play with ice cubes on vaginas. I think Kate has it all backwards.

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