Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan Opens Up About Rehab


In her first post-rehab interview, Lindsay Lohan says a whole lot of nothing to Glamour magazine. This interview is such a snoozefest.

“I’m fine being alone during the day, but I hate being alone at night. I like having friends around me, but now I’d much rather be at home,” she says, pointing out that she now suddenly has more hours of the day to fill, which she tries to do by writing in her journal and watching TV. “That’s not to say I’ll never go to a club again,” she says, “because I’d be lying.”

Finally, asked what she believes is the biggest misconception others have about her, Lohan replies, “that I don’t have my head in the right place. That, and probably that I’m not a good person … because actually I am.”


I wanna hear about the relapse, Linds!!!

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  • I love that you used the pic of her w/ the orange face & white white white armpits! Geeeee, that’s not a real tan?! *Gasp* ;)

    Like Lindsay is going to give us any of the good dirt…she still needs to make more money!!!

  • Her face looks SO ghastly, dark orange/brown and fugly – yech! WHY oh why does she want to look like that?!?

    Maybe it upsets me because I have similar natural coloring to hers – reddish hair and freckles (although not quite so many as she has), and I wish she would embrace her redheadedness and stop trying to be some over-tanned waitress in a Reno casino. Seriously, she looks like she smells of stale cigarette smoke. Maybe that’s why her face is so brown.

  • She looks much better as a red head for sure everyone wants to go blond but your natural color is always better