Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Underage No More

Katie Cassidy at Foley + Corinna Los Angeles store opening

Katie Cassidy — who turned 21 late last month — showed up to the Foley + Corinna Los Angeles store opening, along with Nicky Hilton, Kristen Cavallari and, my personal fave, Marla Sokoloff (Remember when she was on Full House? Anyone?).

Katie was arrested for underage drinking last month, just days before her 21st birthday.

I cannot wait to see what happens with this girl now that she’s legal.

Nicky Hilton at Foley + Corinna Los Angeles store opening Marla Sokoloff at Foley + Corinna Los Angeles store opening Kristen Cavallari at Foley + Corinna Los Angeles store opening

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  • I remember Marla! She played Stephanie’s ‘badass’ friend that would try to get to her to smoke cigarettes & make out with boys….Oooooooh-Bad Girl!!! ;)

    I think she used to date James Franco too-lucky!!!

    You can guess what’s going to happen to Katie, she hangs out w/ Nicky, Krisitin & we already know what a bad influence Marla is…I predict more DUIs for this girl!

  • Give Katie Cassidy a break. I don’t know of anyone who hasn’t been drinking before they were 21! She was just in the wrong place. Personally I give her a lot of credit, and a thumbs up for NOT driving! That, was an very mature and intelligent choice to make. Also, who says she “hangs out” with the above mentioned girls. She was just at the same were hundreds of others. Katie seems to be treating her career and life in a very professional manner…not just another “blonde”.