Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Nicole Richie Is In Jail

Nicole Richie Checked into Jail at Lynwood

While all eyes were on Lindsay Lohan’s plea deal, a pregnant Nicole checked into Lynwood — where Paris did her time — at 3:15 pm today. Nicole is supposed to serve four days, but will likely go home early because of overcrowding. I’m not sure why she checked in during the afternoon — she could have checked in at 11:59pm and had it count as a full day. Maybe she was worried about the lines being long, who knows?

We’ll have more details as they come.

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • This a joke and these 2 just proved it along with Paris Hilton. They have proved that there is no such thing as a justice system. If Iwas arrested for the same thing I would be thrown in jail and they would lose the key. What would have happened if they killed somebody. That is why some of these teenagers drink and drive now because they look up to these actors. They should have to hang out with some of these mothers who lose there children to DUI drivers and not just write a check.

  • It’s true that entertainers pay a lot of tax money to the government but once you start having two standards then the system is corrupted ; when was it not ? The blame has to go to the Judges for not upholding “fair play” .

  • I was just talking with my friend about this yesterday at dinner . Don’t know how in the world we landed on the subject actually , they brought it up. I do remember having a excellent steak salad with cranberries on it. I digress…

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