Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus Got Another Dog

And no, I’m not talking about that poor little dog, Happy, that she found in the Walmart parking lot two weeks ago. I’m talking about a brand new dog that she adopted over the...

Meet Miley Cyrus’ New Dog, Happy!

One of the things I love about Miley Cyrus (and just to clarify, I’m not sure I would say that I love Miley Cyrus herself, but there are definitely things that I thoroughly appreciate...

Miley Cyrus is a Big Puss

Miley Cyrus got her stitches out today, guys. Did you know that? Remember how she “cut her finger” while “cooking” with a “blender”? Yes, well today she...

You Almost Saw Miley Cyrus Nip

Girl’s really going all out, here, huh? First we’re treated to photos of her nether-regions when she elected not to wear panties underneath a Pilates dress (it’s a thing...

Miley is Not Anorexic, OK?

Did you know? First she thought we thought that her junk “engagement ring” was the real thing, so she had to make a statement to dispel those rumors, and now, because...

Is Miley Cyrus Cutting?

I know. It just about killed me to have to even type that headline, because despite all of my ragging on Miley for this and that and the other thing, I think she’s probably a pretty...

Wait, Is Miley Engaged Now?

Because this. This would be too easy of an out to have daddy Billy Ray justifying his daughter’s unwed sexcapades. “Well they’s engaged, y’all!” BILLY RAY...