Today's Evil Beet Gossip

James Franco

James Franco Going To Broadway

James Franco is going to be in his first Broadway show. He’s going to play George in Of Mice And Men. Uh. Really? I’m surprised. I can see him more in a Mamet kind of thing. Or...

James Franco Is Still Better Than You

At this point, I think it’s safe to say that James Franco is better than all of us. And I say that without any resentment. It’s just the truth. James Franco is a beautiful...

James Franco Wrote A Poem About Obama

I need you all to stop what you’re doing, right this very second. Stop listening to music. If you have the TV on in the background, turn it off. If you’re at work or...

Watch This: ‘This is the End’

OK, so I’m not going to lie: I watched at least half of this trailer trying to decide whether or not I this movie was complete and utter bullshit, or if this movie actually had some...