Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Adnan Ghalib

Your Daily Britney

Britney and Adnan hit up a Jerry’s Deli in LA on Wednesday. She’s been wearing the oddest shades of lipstick lately. I mean, is it supposed to match her shirt?

Another Crazy Night for Brit-Brit

Late Monday night, LAPD officers reported to Britney’s gated community, where photographers had apparently breached security. Brit was outside the gate, barefoot, in a screaming match...

We Have Art!

Check out Britney and Adnan in Studio City on Monday afternoon, after Brit made a cameo at her custody hearing. She lost custody of her kids “indefinitely.” On a happier note...

Your Daily Britney

A braless Britney and Adnan Ghalib hit up a Rite Aid in LA on Sunday. Her big court hearing is tomorrow. LOVE the boots, Brit!!! Image via WENN

Still Going Strong!

Britney and Adnan, home from Mexico, hit up a Starbucks in Encino, then had dinner at Taverna Tony’s in Malibu. Well … at least she looks happy.

Pics of Britney and Adnan in Mexico

If you hadn’t guessed, Finalpixx is the agency Adnan belongs to. That guy is making bank right now for tipping off his agency as to their whereabout. No one else has these pics...