After receiving reviews that his shows were entirely too bawdy and raunchy, former American Idol contestant Adam Lambert promises that his next roundup of shows will be...
Adam Lambert, photographed at the 21st annual GLAAD Media Awards in LA, is looking fabulous. Lambert was on-hand at the awards show as both performer and nominee for Outstanding Music... “At 26 I started running with hippies, going to underground events, I was really drawn to that crowd, everyone embraced each other’s differences. It didn’t get to the stage where it... Adam Lambert went on Ellen today to discuss the now-famous crotch-to-face action in his performance at the American Music Awards and boy did he backpedal.
First, Ellen’s show was... Ed Note: This is a cross-post from our sister site Zelda Lily and is written by Sarah Spangenberg. The original post is here.
Good Morning America has never been one to shy away from... Here it is, kids! After watching the entire thing, I’m mostly disappointed that nobody simulated oral sex.
In seriousness, though, this is going to be a rough and fascinating road... Adam Lambert is doing it right. Everyone is still talking about his controversial American Music Awards performance. It was expected that all the citizens that bitch every time a nipple... Adam Lambert has obviously decided that his angle for securing water cooler conversation status is to be “scandalous.” Listen, I don’t care if Adam wants to parade... Adam Lambert’s debut album, For Your Entertainment, drops next week, and early reviews are in, and they’re awesome.
Says the Associated Press:
This vocal chameleon can be all... You’ve made your judgments on the cover art, now what do you think about the title track?
The line “Don’t trip off the bits that I’m gonna display” made me giggle... The cover of Adam Lambert’s upcoming record was released today and… um… Woah. That’s some sparkly shit right there. That’s some really amazingly glittery... American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert granted a pretty lengthy interview to Details magazine in which he dished every detail about losing his virginity (he was 21), his drug use (he did a...I Am Officially Drooling Over a Beautiful Gay Man.
Adam Lambert Explains The Crotch-to-Face Incident at...
Good Morning America Shuns Glambert, Has Open Arms For...
Adam Lambert: “For Your Entertainment”...
Adam Lambert Not For GMA’s Entertainment
What Would You Get if Alice Cooper and Joan Jett Had a...
Adam Lambert’s Album Comes Out Next Week and...
“For Your Entertainment” Title Track...
Wait. Do You Think Adam Lambert is Gay?
Adam Lambert Pays Attention to Details