Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan Was Pushed Into a “Large, Sharp Plant” By “Crazy Paparazzi”

At least, according to her Twitter page. Lohan took a spill of epic proportions last night after lines of coke and Adderal being totally sober, in case you hadn't seen the photos. I didn't even really think it was worthy to publish a story on it, 'cause the drunkard's always falling on her ass in one photo or another, but her Tweet actually made me for-real-LOL. Lindsay's Tweet earlier in the day read: Only I would get pushed into a large, sharp plant by crazy paparazzi!!! I need to sta...

Michelle McGee Did it All For the Nookie … And the Money.

While she's a disgusting piece of white trash and James is kind of up there on the sick-o-meter, they just seem to be trumping one another in heinous behavior and statements. McGee, James' mistress, comes forth regarding her affair-prompting ways and claims that the reason -- and the only reason -- she ever involved herself with James was for the money. Michelle McGross states that she entered into sexual encounters with James because she wanted a piece of his Monster Garage Penis fort...

Authorities Say Real World‘s Puck Was Driving Drunk

Yeah, and he was on his way home from a fishing trip with his eight year-old son this past Friday. ... 'Cause that's cool and I guess it's just how he rolls, right? What a fucking loser, man. I read the story last night about how the two had spent this wonderfully bonded father-son time during a daytime fishing trip and on the way home, Puck had supposedly hit this deer and flipped the car and both passengers had sustained some pretty horrific injuries ... and now I find out that alcoho...

Jennifer Love Hewitt Broke Up With Jamie Kennedy For the Publicity, Wants to Go Back to Her 90’s Roots

Jennifer Love Hewitt steps out for her first Big Premiere since splitting with Jamie Kennedy, well, whenever it happened.  Sometime recently or whatever.  She appeared for the flagship opening of the Esprit store in New York City last night and although I kind of dig the new hair -- sort of -- she's really grasping at straws in order to thrust herself into the spotlight again, heaving bodice first.  In her defense, though, what better way to do it?  Endure a public breakup with someone who...

Jesse James REALLY Wants to Make It With Sandra Bullock

And how could you blame him? It's not a hard comparison to make -- crazy, Nazi-bitch porn star or gorgeous Oscar-winning cash cow that just happened to find some attraction in your ugly, philandering mug. Really, it's not a huge stretch to wonder who he'd indefinitely want to be with. Sources say that James is feeling pretty low and very contrite at the moment; Bullock allegedly left the two's shared home over a week ago and Jesse's claiming to do everything in his power to win her back a...

Ooh, Elin’s Gonna Be Pissed!

Just when we thought the shitshow of Tiger Woods' personal life was over, yet another mistress comes forward -- making this his 15th. The woman goes by the name of "Devon James" (James seems to be a popular name in the adult entertainment industry, for some reason) and she's an "entertainer" out of Florida. She allegedly rode Tiger's stallion from 2006 to 2008 and participated in some of Tiger's more, ah, girl-on-girl requests. She also claims that she was the golf guru's first "sext." ...

Ke$ha is Sort of Fug, I Guess. I Mean, I Don’t Really Know. Probably ‘Cause She Looks Like My Great-Aunt Matilda in These Pics, But I Love Aunt Mattie, So I Think I’m Torn.

I'm not what you'd call a Ke$ha fan and it's not just because I have a goddamned hard time typing '$' instead of 's' when I write about her. She's mean to little kids and mentally ill pop stars people and can't go anywhere without trying to rip off Lady Gaga's style. She doesn't even really matter all that much to me, but just kinda irks me by association, I guess. Anyway, Ke$ha is caught frolicking on Bondi Beach in New South Wales looking like she's trying to cover up a nasty Cesare...

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Vice-President of the United States of America Drops the F-Bomb

So, the health care reform was officially signed off upon today and Vice-President Joe Biden was, well, really "fucking" excited about it. In an introduction of President Barack Obama, Biden is found to say -- albeit in a muffled kind of way -- "This is a big fucking deal." I can dig it; old Joe was a bit over-excited and forgot that the mics were live. This kind of stuff happens, even on international television. I personally found it pretty endearing.  Hell, even the President thought it was some funny shit. You can hear him giggle...

Miley Cyrus to Be Idol Mentor Tonight on Fox

Tonight, Miley Cyrus is American Idol's latest mentor.  For the contestants, thankfully,  not the children of Idol Gives Back or anything.  ... I jest. Miley is appearing on tonight's Idol airing, 8 PM ET, to help the contestants prepare for life in the spotlight and will lend her musical expertise to the remaining eleven finalists. Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato will perform their tween-saccharine-sweet-gag-me-anthem, "Make A Wave", on the live results show tomorrow at 9 PM ET and Cyrus will be ...

Simon Monjack’s Gone Way Off the Deep End

Radar Online has gotten an exclusive interview with the one person you could probably give a rat's ass less about:  Simon Monjack.  From he get-go, this tool seemed to have a sick obsession with his late wife, Brittany Murphy, and wanted nothing more than to suck her soul, talent -- and money. However, Monjack claims that although he received "six-figure" offers from other media outlets to be allowed inside the house and to grimly view the "death room", he's refused because he claims that ...

Carrie Underwood’s One Classy Lady

And by "classy", I mean she actually cares about people, doesn't have photographs of her labia floating around and isn't throwing jars of rancid urine at her fans. An assistant of Underwood's was killed this past weekend in a crash and at Miss Universe's latest show, she dedicated her song, "Temporary Home" to the victim and his family. There's really nothing negative I can say about this chick surprisingly, which doesn't necessarily make her disinteresting to me -- it just makes her admirable. My condolences go out to the driver's family and hope that they, like Carrie's aptly named tour, can eventually "Play On." /> And by "classy", I mean she actually cares about people, doesn't have photographs of her labia floating around and isn't throwing jars of rancid urine at her fans. An assistant of Underwood's was killed this past weekend in a crash and at Miss Universe's latest show, she dedicated her song, "Temporary Home" to the victim and his family. There's really nothing negative I can say about this chick surprisingly, which doesn't necessarily make her disinteresting to me -- it just makes her admirab...

Josh Duhamel Wants Kids With Fergie But Not Anytime Soon Because He’s Still Enjoying His Sexual Freedoms

You see how Tiger ended up, don't you?  Tcha.  Come on. Duhamel wants to make sure that there're no kids in the picture while he's still porking other women, 'cause that doesn't set a good "family example" naturally. Nah, but really ... Josh Duhamel recently sat down for an interview with People magazine where he was asked the obligatory-just-married question of whether or not he and Fergie are going to pump out a litter of kids in the next few hours or so.  Duhamel stated that he does...
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