Somehow this weekend, between drinking and attempting to get ready to shoot my second hooker stint on "The Guiding Light," I became obsessed with Julia Allison. Though at first glance she seems to be a Manhattan celebutante she really seems to have something interesting to say. Gawker is quite obsessed with her and though she does seem to be constantly at odds with them in her blog I think they are her ticket to celebrity. It is one of those "any publicity is good publicity" situations...and its...
I have to say that I was a bit "eh" about the Oscars. I wasn't alone as most people at my Oscars party simply either got drunk on wine or ate cookie cake. Nobody really wanted to pay much attention really because the movies this year were stirring and artistic but quite moody.
Was Juno the only nominee where somebody didn't die? Wait, when was the last time a movie won an Oscar and didn't have someone die in it? Geez people, couldn't you have thrown "Juno" a bone here.
My favorite quote of...
Angelina Jolie pretty much told the world "so ya guys I'm totally pregnant" by wearing a clingy black dress to the Independent Spirit Awards. I can't get over the fact that she is totally with child yet still has skinny arms. I am 5'3'' and when I decide to pop out kids I feel like I am going to get as wide as I am tall.
Honestly, I am so jealous of those women who pregnancy seems to make them hotter. Sigh. I can't wait to see if this kid (or kids...as some media outlets are speculating) is g...
Thanks for letting me step in and mildly entertain you this week. I missed all of you. Thankfully staying away from Justin Guarini means you stay away from hate mail...
So in hopes that I offend some of you...here are some links to end your week.
Obviously Miley Cyrus like to take naughty pictures...Disney teaches their girls these things...how else can you get press? [Dlisted]
I don't really care if Jessica Simpson was dumped again by some man her father set her up with. I do care that ...
Spanish Portuguese subtitles...cause that's how the T rolls.
/>Via my favorite thing to do when I am at temping...YouTube... the trailer for "Get Smart."
I have to say I am excited for this movie. I used to watch the TV show on Nick at Nite. It looks well-done and The Rock is in it so really...how can you go wrong?
Anyway...for your procrastination pleasure..."Get Smart"...with Spanish Portuguese subtitles...cause that's how the T rolls.
There is something in the water in Hollywood. Seriously everyone is having a baby. I understand this is a new trend but one I can not follow. I have a dog...she is enough to handle plus I finally just got back in my jeans after my holiday eating extravaganza.
Tori Spelling...who seemed to just get all skinny again (not that she never was...I mean the woman seemed to gain like 5 pounds when she was preggos) is evidently in her second trimester already.
Her son, Liam, just turned 1 and I ...
Since the T is back for the moment...I thought I would bring back Fashion Victim of the Week!
Now I am a big Lucy Liu fan, I watched "Cashmere Mafia" a few times to give props to productions that film in NYC but seriously...the clothes she is wearing to promote this show is just a joke.
This outfit is just crazy. The purple dress is cute but they you add this weird Pepto Bismol shrug thing. Honestly it looks like she put on her normal clothes and Bobby Trendy attacked her with pink chiffon....
I have said it over and over again; rich people can get themselves way to much medication. For some odd reason if you are rich and famous...or you just "doctor shop" you can get yourself a deadly cocktail of uppers and downers.
Historically there have been way to many young stars whose doctors will give them everything and anything to deal with "stress." Give someone too much medication and you are creating an addict.
Heath Ledger was found with five different kinds of "drugs" in his ap...