Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Michelle Tanner

A healthy-weighted Olsen twin departs a West Village tanning salon.

Okay, you guys are gonna give me a huge amount of shit for this, but I have to say that, as she gets to a normal weight, I kind of understand why she felt so much pressure to stay at a ridiculously skinny weight. She is such a very tiny person (I think she’s honestly like 4’11”) that even a small weight gain makes her look really squat. At that height, you can’t just gain 10 or 20 pounds and have it not significantly impact your appearance, and the pictures we’ve seen of her lately have made that painfully clear. Not that she’s gained anywhere near 20 pounds. But still. I’m not suggesting she go back to her old weight, and I don’t (repeat: don’t) think she looks fat, but being at a normal weight makes her look very, well, normal, which is exactly how celebrities do not want to look.

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  • I get what you’re saying. Being five feet tall played a big part in my eating disorder too. It’s fucking ridiculous what a difference a few pounds makes on a very short person.

    However, I’m thrilled that she seems to be handling this “normal” weight very well. Kudos to her. I hope she remains healthy.

  • I’m slightly shorter then average for females in a family of skinny giants so i know exactly what your talking about, a little weight massively changes your look whether good or bad

  • It’s all about how the weight settles on you. She looks good, I can’t lie. But its understandable that she has an eating disorder when at 5’3 I gained 20 pounds I’d look horrible :(

  • beet seriously, im not giving you ‘shit’ as you put it. but just becareful youre not fueling the gossip rags rant about having to stay stick thin. because if youre not, what was the point of this post? you basically were just negatively commenting on how much weight shes gained.

  • I don’t think it’s the weight that makes her look squat. It’s her bad posture. She always hangs her head and hunches her shoulders up. When she was skinny, it just exacerbated the starving Dickensian waif effect. Now it makes her neck look non-existent and therefore gives her a very blocky appearance.

    That aside, I think she looks stunning now she’s put on some weight. I always thought she looked a bit deathly before, but she’s now joined the realms of the Beautiful People. Good for her!

  • She looks good, she looks thin, and she definitely does not look normal; she looks like a tiny little fashionista. I hope to God she does not read this post and comments (unlikely, right?), because she will interpret the whole business as a criticism, as people struggling with anorexia tend to distort observations about their appearance.

  • Man, what a chubby little freak.

    Look at the cellulite dripping off her knees, and her stubby tyrannosaurus arms. No wonder she wears boots… she can’t bend over and reach her shoe laces without using chopsticks.

    I saw those same boots at Petsmart… I was gonna get them for my dog but I didn’t want him to look stupid.

    Oh and I agree with tigerwilly… I hope she’s not reading this either… you guys said some pretty mean things.

  • YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!! It’s people like you who contribute to this whole ‘Quick! I need to resemble an emaciated bag of bones’ obsession. People are getting criticised for looking healthy?? Celebrities are human just like the rest of us and should not have unrealistic, severely unhealthy expectations placed on them. It’s about time this ‘herione chic’ look was given a swift boot up the sphincter!

    She looks great, and it’s about bloody time someone fed her a bloody burger! (So to speak..)

    Aaaand correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t people complaining about this poor girl being too thin a little while ago?? Hmmm… No wonder Hollywood fucks people up.

  • I agree beet, she’s so tiny that when she puts on or loses weight, it’s very obvious. I can see Hayden Paniterre or however you spell it struggling to keep slim as she’s getting older. But yes, MK does look better with a bit of weight on

  • I think she looks like a leprechaun. I’ve never thought she was pretty. I thought she was an ugly mutant kid. And now with weight, she looks like a mole

  • As someone who stands a mighty 5′ nothing, let me just tell you that 10 pounds looks like 20, and 20 looks like 40.

    And the worst part? It all goes straight to our stomachs. Which then leaves us looking 3 months pregnant.

    Good for Ms Olsen. She doesn’t just look normal, she’s looking healthy.

  • wtf

    yes, weight gain on shorter people can look a lot more than on a taller person…

    but wtf has this got to do with this photograph of mk. she doesnt look “FAT” she doesnt even look “NORMAL” she looks stick thin.

    what a bs post. if you want to show off ‘your’ theory, accompany it with someone who has a bit of fat on them

  • Yeah Beet, thats the way I’ve always looked at it. I’m only just 5’3 and any addition to my already present curves makes me look like a heffa. Sucks.

  • true- i’m 5’4, by far the shortest of my friends and i swear to God me gaining five pounds looks 100% gross and on taller people is undetectable