Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Seth Rogen announces launch of weed company Houseplant

Funny man Seth Rogan has been doing more than slimming down the last few years.  He’s become a respected potter (no pun, he makes pottery) a prolific producer and now an agricultural tycoon!

Seth says his brand of ‘handsmoked’ marijuana will be arriving in California on March 11.

‘If you know anything about me at all, I’m going to assume it’s that I really love weed,’ Seth began on his Instagram account. ‘But what you probably don’t know about me is that I have been working on my own weed company for the last 10 years and we are finally ready to launch in America.

‘It’s called Houseplant, and what we’re doing is bringing you the best strains of weed that have been handpicked – and by that I mean handsmoked – by me. It’s just the weed that I love that I want to be smoking, it comes in these adorable little tins. We have an orange one for sativa and a purple one for indica. And it even stacks!’

Not only does Houseplant include Seth’s favorite strains of weed, but it also comes with accessories such as table lighters, a vinyl box set, and even an ashtray set designed by the actor.

‘We have things like this block table lighter, which is a table lighter with an ash tray for the lid,’ he said. ‘I lose my lighters all the f**king time, but no more because this dude is hard to lose! This is just the beginning. This is honestly my life’s work, and I’ve never been more excited about anything. I hope you enjoy it.’