Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lamar Odom Undergoes Two Emergency Surgeries

lamar odom

Lamar Odom was released from hospital and returned to Los Angeles last weekend after he spent several days in a coma following a serious drug overdose at a Nevada brothel. While his condition has greatly improved — obviously, since he’s conscious, walking, and not going to die — his organs experienced extreme damage from the several strokes Lamar had, and now he’s apparently required two emergency surgeries because of it.

From TMZ:

We’re told the procedures involved chest issues, but we do not know if it’s connected to his lungs or heart.

Our sources say the surgeries have put Lamar in “a fragile mental state.”  We’re told he’s emotional and at times, very upset.

We’re told doctors have locked the doors on all visitors except Khloe while Lamar deals with the immediate physical and mental issues.

I doubt it’s the surgeries that have put Lamar in a fragile mental and emotional state — perhaps it’s knowing that he let his addiction to drugs destroy his life like this, to the point that he almost died? The realization that he can’t just go back to life as normal is likely extremely depressing and scary, so I think it’s more likely that it’s the entire situation that’s got him down.

The guy needs serious, serious help if he wants any chance whatsoever of this not happening again.

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