Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Of Course Kanye West Pitched Some “Grandiose” Ideas to Apple’s Steve Wozniak

kanye west mice

Steve Wozniak is a good guy, so obviously he was nice enough to sign an Apple mouse for superfan Kanye West when he… visited Kim and Kanye in the hospital after the birth of North West. Yes, that was Kim’s Father’s Day gift for Kanye, and he was all too pleased! He even got to have lunch with the Apple co-founder, during which he started spouting off a whole bunch of nonsense and probably made poor Steve wish he was anywhere else.

From ABC News:

“It was going to be a big surprise for Kanye,” Wozniak told ABC News in an interview. “What a beautiful idea from Kim.”

During the visit, Kanye shared some of those business ideas with Wozniak. “It was an excellent conversation for about two hours and he finally got into his grandiose business ideas,” Wozniak said. “I have some comments to give him. I have been thinking about it since the meeting.”

LOLLLLLL! “Grandiose” ideas describes Kanye to a T. They also apparently discussed his desire to be the “Steve [Jobs] of Internet, downtown, fashion, culture”. I can’t. And don’t worry, Steve, I have a few “comments” for Kanye, as well, though they’re not suitable for printing on this website.

Also, this begs the question: since the mice were only signed on Father’s Day and Steve Jobs is, well, decidedly not alive, did Kanye… ask Woz to sign Jobs’ name? What in the holy hell?