Today's Evil Beet Gossip


photo of courtney love pictures
Jessica Alba‘s in a bikini again. Finally. [The Superficial]

Jake Gyllenhaal is looking for a lady to love. [Lainey Gossip]

Kristen Chenoweth was knocked out cold. [Starpulse]

Hilary Duff looks amazing. [ICYDK]

Katie Holmes is allowed to hang out with her mom now! Yay! [INFDaily]

The Rolling Stones celebrate their 50TH ANNIVERSARY. MY GOD. [Huff Po]

The Royal Couple is real mad about those leaked photos, y’all. [CDL]

A woman sitting in the front seat of Chris Brown’s car. Hm, that’s familiar. [Celebslam]

Scientology changed its rules just for Tom Cruise. [Cele|bitchy]

Beyonce supports Frank Ocean. [Hollywood Backwash]

Kris Jenner: Queen Whore. [IDLYITW]

Films that make stars cry. [theBERRY]

What the hell is going on with Russell Crowe. [I’m Not Obsessed]

The most obnoxiously-named perfume of, oh, you know, ALL TIME. [Lainey Gossip]

Courtney Love is being sued. Oh noes. [The Superficial]