Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Morning Wood

photo of porn star sasha grey hot pictures photos pics
The school district didn’t know she was into anal. [TMZ]

10 Male misconceptions about female masturbation. [The Frisky]

J Woww claims she was molested at the airport. [The Superficial]

Help choose the Sexiest Man Alive! [Lainey Gossip]

Snooki sells crocodiles. [Starpulse]

Zoe Saldana‘s first post-breakup appearance. [LA Times]

A brief history of lady porn. [Pajiba]

Kim Kardashian wants to get it on again with Reggie Bush. [Yeeeah]

Jerry Sandusky claims he DIDN’T anally rape kids. [Amy Grindhouse]

Charlize is a real bitch. [Lainey Gossip]

Jackson Rathbone wears WAY too much makeup. [Cele|bitchy]

Kelly Brook shoots topless photos to verify her Twitter. [The Superficial]

Kris Jenner’s going to start pimping these tits out now, too. [IDLYITW]