Today's Evil Beet Gossip

“One More Thing”: Steve Jobs 1955-2011

Photo: has replaced its ad for the iPhone 4GS with a tribute to Steve Jobs Steve Jobs was an intensely private person. He insisted that Apple's latest products be kept under wraps until the last possible moment, believing it added to their mystique. He had few close friends. Even his failing health---the pancreatic cancer diagnosis in 2003, a liver transplant in 2009---was a matter of rumor. His own company had to coax him into disclosing the severity of his illness---as a business precaution, they said. Wednesday night, news broke that Steve Jobs, co-founder of...

Christina Aguilera Still Has That Boyfriend, Doesn’t Look So Bad

photo of christina aguilera 2011 weight loss pics I know I don't have a lot of good to say about Christina Aguilera, but that's sort of because there really isn't a lot of good to say about her (she's got a great voice, that's a start), but in this photo, guys, she's looking pretty good. Not, you know, Emma Watson-good or even Eva Mendes-good, but good as in she isn't wearing too much of a Lindsay Lohan drunkface these days, and her totally obvious laying-off-the-alcohol is working. She looks far less swollen and her eyes are starting to return t...