Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Morning Wood

photo of hot ke$ha pictures photos crotch shot pics

Ke$ha‘s got me really frightened with this vagina turntable thing. [The Superficial]

Sinead O’Connor looks way different nowadays. [Bossip]

Has Alessandra Ambrosio lost even more weight? [TMZ]

Jennifer Love Hewitt moves on to another dude. [Starpulse]

Carey Mulligan: it doesn’t get any more adorable than this. [Lainey Gossip]

Mario Lopez doing his best AC Slater impersonation. [Socialite Life]

Bar Refaeli goes for the hot issue of GQ. [Yeeeah]

Sandra Bernhardt gets hotter as she gets older, seriously. [LA Times

Selena Gomez nudes? [Rumor Fix]

Mila Kunis and something about pussy. [Amy Grindhouse]

Yeah, I can’t believe Sharon Stone‘s that “old,” either. [Cele|bitchy]

Can you spot the poop in the picture? [Pajiba]

The most unbelievable eye makeup I’ve ever seen in LIFE. [theBERRY]