Today's Evil Beet Gossip

In Other News …

photo of nahla gabriel aubry pictures

Here lies the only person in the world who doesn’t want to benefit from Oprah Publicity. [The Superficial]

Paris Hilton’s banana-like birthday present. [Celebslam]

Loving you is the right kind of wrong, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. [Pajiba]

Amanda Seyfried is all freaked out over her boyfriend hitting on Rihanna. [Allie is Wired]

All of the information you ever wanted on celebrity penis, right here, guys. [Betty Confidential]

Gabriel Aubry really thinks that Halle’s going to just walk away from her child. [TMZ]

So … which of the Kardashians IS engaged? [Celebrity VIP Lounge]

Victoria Beckham apparently mistook accidental bloat for pregnancy. [ICYDK]