Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Happy 2008, From the Evil Beet Family to Yours





2007 was an AMAZING year for Evil Beet, and we just know that 2008 is going to be even better!!!

Thank you so much for your loyal readership — yes, even those of you who just come here to look at celebrity vagina — you guys mean the world to us, and we certainly hope and plan to be here to provide you celebrity gossip with an evil twist in the year to come.

For more pics from our NYE celebration, check out the Evil Beet Photo Gallery.

5 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Looks like big fun, and I agree, y’all are so pretty!

    I see what you mean Beet – that guy does look a bit Grenier-esque.
    But not swarthy enough. The real thing looks as if, should he want a really clean shave, he’d have to start from the inside!

  • Get rid of the guy. ALL OF YOU LADIES ARE FINE. But Shawty in the blue
    could get it. Looks like alot of fun. I hope you all have a GREAT NEW YEARS.