Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Sacha Baron Cohen

A Golden Hottie

So I obviously was watching The Golden Globes with a gaggle of women and gay men who all took a collective gasp when hottie Sacha Baron Cohen stepped on stage and began to give his...

Borat Frat Boys’ Case Dismissed

A judge dismissed the case against the two frat boys who sued the producers of Borat for their negative portrayal in the film, claiming they were inebriated and misled when they signed the...

Borat Boys Want Their Scene Cut

Now here’s something you don’t hear a lot of around Hollywood: someone actually asking to have their scene cut. The frat boys who sued 20th Century Fox and the producers of...

Less Beaver. More Borat

Have we forgotten that Borat is still really funny? I really think that I saw something eerily like this at a reception dinner in Croatia. [youtube=]

I Link We’re Alone Now

Rachel Weisz says it’s okay to drink while you’re pregnant. “Amen to that,” says Lindsay Lohan’s mom. [Cele|Bitchy] If there is, in fact, a way to get America...