Today's Evil Beet Gossip

John McCain


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! BRILLIANT! This is the kind of genius I wish I possessed. I don’t care who you’re voting for — this shit is funny. If you want...

He’s Heeeeere!

John McCain heartily greets Levi Johnston (pictured with Bristol Palin) as he arrives in Minneapolis for the RNC. What a dashing young lad!

Tucker Bounds the Bunny Rabbit!

I got this email from a reader the other day: So Tucker Bounds is on TV talking about something, and all I can see are giant bunny ears coming out of his head. It’s a brilliant...

Did John McCain Vet This Woman At All?

Seriously it’s like Senator McCain had one too many shots of tequila (perhaps with Bristol Palin?) and was like, “Hey, ya know what would be funny? If I made my running mate...

Barack on the Attack!!!

Oh YAY!!!! This is TOTALLY the best part of politics. The BITCHY ADS!!! Love it, love it, love it. Here an Obama ad noting that John McCain is SO OLD and SO RICH that he doesn’t even...