Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Grammy Fashion 2013

The 55th Annual Grammy Awards happened last night and all that means to me is that we get to “Ooh!” and “Ahh!” and “WTF?” over what everyone was wearing...

Forget About Chris Brown For A Minute…

Can we issue a warrant for the arrest of Gwyneth Paltrow’s stylist?  Her Grammy ensemble left me dumb and blind for several minutes. Also behind the scenes at the Grammy Awards...

Are You Watching the Grammy Awards?

Grammies are officially underway, people! It never ceases to amaze me how many people with absolutely no musical connections show up to walk the red carpet. For example, UFC fighter Chuck...

Grammy Noms are Out

Hey y’all, if you are looking for the Grammy Nominees click here. Here are some highlights! *Imogen Heap, one of our “Monday Morning Music” artists is nominated for Best...