Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney Spears

So Much to Tell You

Is Ivanka Trump dating Lance Armstong? Probably not, but there’s video of her refusing to answer questions about him, which is kind of like dating, right? Were you totally psyched...


Jessica Coen is leaving Gawker for Vanity Fair, where she’ll be their “deputy online editor.” In my mind, the “deputy” part of this keeps conjuring up an image...

Britney Spears’ Baby Name Revealed!

It’s official: on September 12 of this year, Britney Spears birthed a 72-year-old British man. Although we have not yet seen photos of the crotchety old wanker, his age and obvious...

Final Thoughts on the VMAs

Because you all are clearly incapable of forming your own opinions and thus are unfailingly interested in mine. Sarah Silverman may well be the funniest person on planet Earth. As soon as...