Today's Evil Beet Gossip

This Is So Not On My Bucket List.

I used to have this thing where all I’d have to do was think about worms in order to throw up, but I think those days are behind me. The visual that this story put into my head has easily superseded the whole “worms” gimmick and I don’t think I’ll ever be the same girl again.

Playgirl has allegedly offered $500k to Sandra Bullock’s smut-lovin’ husband, Jesse James, to strut his Monster-sized “Vanilla Gorilla” in their monthly rag. Even better? The head of the publication gives even more TMI by stating that the theme of the skin shoot will be that of a circus-freak-type setting.

No word on if Bombshell McGee will be serving as the bearded clam lady in the shoot, if, in the event James decided to take the mag up on its offer. If Bullock leaves his filthy ass, he might have no other choice.

I truly shudder to think of this alternative.

Worms, worms, worms …

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Four fifths of the people who read the shit on this site write better than everyone who writes for this site (excluding Sasha of course). You tards write like 5 comments a day. 24 hours isn’t enough time to proof read? Use a spell check? And you people call George Bush a moron? HaHaHaHa….

    Yes sometimes us fucks make mistakes, but were not getting paid. Where can I get a job for being incompetent? (beside the White House)

    • I will never understand why people who don’t like things comment on them, probably just like the “sound” of their voice.
      Ps you have an ugly voice, go voice it somewhere else, bitching and moaning is not relevant to this post.

      • “I will never understand why people who don’t like things comment on them”

        And yet here you are, commenting on Good Lord’s post, which you clearly didn’t like. Perhaps if you figure out your own motivations for doing the exact same thing you don’t want other people to do, you will understand these people you claim not to understand. Heehee.

        Keep us posted on your research!

      • While Good Lord’s comments are often otherworldly/outlandish, it’s silly to take the stance that people who don’t like certain things should not comment on the things that they do not like.
        Do you really believe that criticisms are, by nature, invalid commentaries? They’re core to the very nature of debate and even everyday conversation/communication.

    • Also how would your clearly intelligent self choose to word this post. What superior improvements would you make? I’m all ears

    • You, my friend are a fucking asshole. Really. And your stupid comments make absolutely no sense, you goddamned bible-beating fucking fanatic.

      Funny, just to disprove your point, I copied the text and ran a spell check on it and guess what.. not one single spelling or grammatical error. What, did Sarah just use words too big for you to understand, so you got freaked out and went into panic defense mode?

      Get a fucking life. Moron.

      • News flash, ass-wipe! I wasn’t specifically mentioning incorrect spelling in her writing, although it happens quite often here. Everyone always complains about the shoddy spew presented here at times. There is more to writing than just proper spelling.

        Does, punctuation, mechanics, composition, or even being factual come to your fucking mind when you think about someone who is suppose to be a pro ?

        Go back to reading your Dr. Seuss books, little tard.

  • I seriously doubt that Jesse will take them up on thier offer, hes a total asshole, but hes got money and from what I’ve read on other sites..(all rumor facts) Jesse wants Sandra back ( of course he does) he will never find anyone who will ever give him a chance again, like she did..I really hope she doesn’r take him back..4 women have come forward so far..will he be another Tiger??? I think Elin is a fool also…

  • I don’t think he would have to do this if Sandra left him, he is independently wealthy on his own. But would he, that is another question.

  • This dirty std speading bish thinks he’s cute. Playgirl would have to photoshop those pics to hell and back to bring him up to freak level. Nasty ho.

  • I don’t know about their marriage or anything, or how much they take that “until death do us part” shtick but it seems that someone who cheated on his wife without using protection with skeezy, skanky white supremicists, seems like he not only disregarded thier vows, but Sandra’s safety as well.

  • I don’t think he’ll even consider doing Playgirl there is no upside for him, he doesn’t need the money and he’s going to have his work cut out for him rehabilitating his reputation and not making the situation 1000 times worse. He’s now got to go through the custody battle for Sunny again because of his behavior, I can’t imagine what school is like for the kids but it would be a horrible thing to do them on top of the cheating revelations. Playgirl is of course getting tons of free advertising by making the offer though.