Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Wouldn’t You Try Harder For Something Called ‘The Critic’s Choice Awards’?

Aight, aight. So I always have to admit whenever I critique people’s fashion that I really have no business doing so. I am wearing flared jeans as I write this. Yes, flared. They’re old and they’re really comfortable and you would wear them too if you didn’t have a will to live. ANYWAY! That being said, I was pretty disappointed across the board by the dress selections last night at The Critic’s Choice Awards. With the exception of a couple (Heather Graham, Emily Blunt, Amy Poehler), everyone looked like they bought their dress of the rack at Nordstrom in the really fancy section last minute. Lots of ill-fitting garments, lots of things that looked like last season’s trends or generally unstylish (from the dress to the shoes, I beg you to tell me: What the fuck is Sandy B. wearing in the photo above? Are those hooves?) Perhaps I’m being a bit harsh, or maybe I should consider that the Golden Globes are on Sunday and everyone’s saving their pretty for that, but you let me know what you think in the comments…

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  • It’s not the most attractive dress, but usually the women put the most ridiculous amount of money and energy and obsessiveness into their clothing for these silly, self reverential events that it’s almost a relief to see someone looking like they just tried hard, not insanely hard, to look good.

    And think of the men – it’s so much less work for them that it’s ridiculous. I wish that they’d just put all of the money that goes into clothes, jewels, fake tans, diets, personal trainers, botox injections, makeup, limos and swag bags and just donate it all to charity. They could all pat each other on the backs and hand out statuettes and say how wonderful they all are and the world would be a better place.

    And no, I don’t think that’s cynical – it’s just wishing that these highly visible folks were slightly less self-congratulatory.

    And yes, I know that Sandra Bullock gave a million dollars to earthquake relief in Haiti and the same after the tsunami – maybe that’s why she didn’t go all-out on a dress!

  • You gossip people need to look beyond the star’s accomplishments to their well lined pocketbooks. It cost a lot to be original in a occupation that is all about the latest and weirdest fashion. Stars are alway on cue and game for standing out when making money. This Flaunt a striking silhouette pose is a dedicated tourist ad for travelocity .Those are wooden heels, because she is high class not .. tourist tacky.. hell she just washes her hair and boom when it’s dry it’s styled.. and her fine designer dress is a map of where to score weed or a hooker in Amsterdam, if you look closely it has the spot where the Statue of Spinoza is located. True it’s not the little mermaid but then, neither is she.. HA!

  • i think i read somewhere that celebs were returning their big-money gowns and taking it down a notch for the people’s choice awards, so as not to rub how rich they are in haiti’s broken face…maybe they are extending that courtesy to the critic’s choice awards?