Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Don’t Watch This if You Don’t Want to See The First Five Minutes of Grey’s

I don’t want to see a bunch of, “You should have warned me!” comments.  This. Is. A. Spoiler.  Here’s a clip of the first five minutes of the season premiere of Grey’s Anatomy.  It will air in its entirety on September 24th.

Jump if you want to hear the bad news.  I know it made me want to jump.  Off a building that is.

Yeah.  Not a huge shock but Izzie is alive, well and remarkably obnoxious even straight out of coding.  Being dead didn’t change her at all.

I’m hoping that Katherine Heigl will love motherhood so much that she won’t be able to imagine leaving her baby with a nanny which could certainly lead to Izzie’s brain tumor growing back in a really fatal way.

7 CommentsLeave a comment

  • nobody cares if you didn’t really care to see it.

    but clearly, you cared enough to let others know of your apathy for the show.

    which in turn, makes you a tool.

    which, also, matches your picture.


  • Why does everybody hate Grey’s Anatomy? I LOVE it. I can’t wait for it to start again. And does this mean that George isn’t really dead????

  • dammit that is stupid! I watched every single episode and didn’t miss a thing but it did started to get boring.. i don’t know what to say actually.. i hated last season especially with all the drama, in reality all of that never would have happened.