Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I Just Noticed Something About Priscilla Presley


It’s not that she doesn’t look damn good for 63, because she does. Damn good.

But she also kind of looks like if Chyna and and Khloe Kardashian had a baby. But if the baby had Benjamin Button syndrome so it emerged from the vagina appearing to be 63 years old.

I know, I know.

That’s utterly impossible.

Neither Chyna nor Khloe Kardashian has a vagina.

I just thought I’d point it out anyway.

At the Valkyrie premiere in LA.

24 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Damn Beet. She’s a Hollywood joke because of the endless cutting of her mug. How about this: Good photo.

  • Look at her hand and you’ll see what she would look like without various medico-cosmetic procedures. Her fingernail creeps me out (why is it so much skinnier than her finger?)

  • oh totally unfair! i agree with jayne, that phrase is reserved for those who choose not to be embalmed while living.

  • IMHO she looks like shit. But it’s because she went to that phony plastic surgeon. He really screwed her up. It’s a shame, she was such a beautiful woman.

  • beet – how in hell can you call this looking good? you cannot be serious. she looks like the crypt keeper after some skin grafts and a run-in with a weed wacker.

  • I wonder how many famous women of her age haven’t had any surgery done. I think she looks good for 63…but yeah, her fingernails are really creepy.

  • I think she looks horrible. Plastic surgery gone wrong. And the haircolor is hideous. Her lips look like Lisa Rinna’s or whatever her name is.

  • there is nothing wrong with getting a little work done, tastefully, i think you could still be considered to look good for your age in that case. but this chick does not fall into that category. that shit is ridiculous.

  • Priscilla is one of the most beautiful women on earth, even at 63 years old. All that criticizing is envy. How many women out there would love to look as good as she does.

  • …..The plain truth is She Didn’t Have To change anything to stay the best-looking female anywhere…Her tranquil beauty comes from within, a feature you phony critics can’t measure any more than you can guage Art, because you’re all too busy waddling and quacking like Daisy Duck on the Saturday Morning Cartoons..With luck, you blabbermouths may yet graduate to the Sunday Morning Comics.