Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Popular Kids

Brad and Angelina don’t appear “uncool” in the least as they arrive hand-in-hand for a private screening of The Changeling in London.

After the jump, find video footage of an interview Angelina did with BBC radio yesterday. I love how whenever people spend time in London they wind up with a hint of a British accent. It’s inescapable!

21 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Everytime Brad gets with someone he totally loses his identity, I mean ; he starts looking like his girlfriends. Im starting to wonder if he ever had one. Its kinda sad & shallow

  • I Looooove them! What an awesome couple they are. True humanitarians. There are so many millions in Hollywood but very few stars who try to help others.

  • She’s one of the few women in the world that I’d allow to poop on my chest if she knocked on my door and requested permission.

  • oh yeah, they really are the cool kids of the world, if the world were like… high school.. which, i mean, it is.

  • me too Cat.

    man, Angelina just looks so damned flawless. I’d be utterly jealous, but I just love her too much.

  • It bothered me that she was looking down throughout the entire interview, but she speaks so eloquently and from the heart. Maybe she’s just shy.

  • I don’t hear it really. When I spent time in London I noticed that my thoughts were in a British accent. Maybe that means I am as looney as Britney Spears with her accent that came and went, but I think it has something to do with the fact that even the elevators speak with an accent. “Floor one, going up…”

  • @ helen

    Right? I know. I’m an idiot that it caught me by surprise. My first time in London I would get giddy everytime I heard a public announcement, at the airport or on the train. It just made my day to be surrounded by such beautiful speech.

    Mind you, I am from west Texas where everyone sounds mildly retarded, so it’s little things like that that make my day.

  • I love that she is adopting children, plus having children of her own. But she cannot save the world, she is only one woman, and we all know that when she dies she will have a legacy of Mother Teressa.

    I hope that you keep doing a great job, just remember the more children you have the harder it will be to show every single one of them the individual kind of love you can show one child.

    Money can buy you alot of things, but if your children, you and your partner are not happy, money counts for nothing. Family should come first.