Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Twins Are The New Black

Star Magazine is reporting that Jennifer Aniston is pregnant with…what else?  TWINS!  The battle of the dueling uteri lives on!  Ok, it’s Star so I’ll hold off on buying a gift but wouldn’t it be great if it were true?

10 CommentsLeave a comment

  • That picture is from her guest spot on 30 Rock. What is with all of the twins you know that they are all getting help with it there is no way that many people in such a small circle are all having twins naturally.

  • John Mayer spawn? Oh, America, as if the breach of civil rights today wasn’t enough. You had to go and produce something truly evil.

  • Wouldn’t it be wonderful it Brad were the Dad! That would send scant Angelia right over the top. I bet she would stop eating for at least two months. Just wishful thinking!
    Sorry Wendie, but I just don’t believe any thing in Star. By the way, you are doing a great job.

  • Wow. She totally looks like an alien in that picture. How black and souless are her eyes……she really IS with John Mayer.

  • @Tabs

    “the pubic hair kid”–awesome! what a great movie title you’ve come up with!

    if twins are the new black, then black twins must be the bomb. can she please have black twins? biracial babies are so beautiful!

  • I really think she isn’t trying unless she pops triplets out and is seen out within a month back to a size triple 0….

    Otherwise, pshaw, she’s just a follower.