Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lisa Marie Presley Drops 11 Pounds of Baby

A huge congratulations are in order to Lisa Marie Presley and her husband Michael Lockwood.  Their publicist released a statement today announcing the birth of healthy twin baby girls.  No names were released but they weighed in at 5 pounds 2 ounces and 5 pounds 15 ounces.  That’s a lot of baby!

There is no happier moment in a woman’s life as the moment after she’s given birth.  Sure, it’s great to see your child and all…but pregnancy is hell and birth day signals the end of hell.  There will never be a “next time” for me but if there were, I’d require an epidural at conception.

20 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Believe it or not, there are some women who feel better than they have all their lives when pregnant. And my mother, who gave birth to five, has often commented that she has had worse poblems with constipation than she ever had giving birth. Sorry it was a bad time for you, Wendie.

  • The whole time Lisa Marie Presley was pregs, she had the worst, most pronounced case of major bitchface I think I’ve ever seen. And she was enormous! I’d be so, so relieved to finally give birth, too, if I were her.

  • I’m one of those people tigerlille! I have 2 kids & both my pregnancy’s were great. I didn’t have any problems, no morning sickness, no constipation, none of the problems I know other moms have had!
    Also sorry it was not good for you,Wendie!

  • The only problem is that she will abuse her kids by brainwashing them also into the cult of Scientology.

    Stand by for some Christian who doesn’t understand what Scientology is about to defend them in 3…2…1…

  • Let me translate for simpletons like censorthis. She is a scientologist. She will brainwash her kids. Child abuse.

  • re; donkeypunch

    i’d love to meet your fucking mother. you’ve still got her preserved in the basement like in psycho, right? you don’t know shit from shinola, idiot.

  • Which part do you object to? That she is a Scientologist? That Scientology is a cult? Look it up shit-for-brains and actually learn something.

  • two guys fighting in a gossip blog?
    it makes me smile :)
    I agree pregnancy is a great time,
    puerperium can be hell, though

  • @ Donkey Punch

    Okay now you are trying to pick a fight…

    What does Scientology say about raising kids anyway? I heard that whole idea of not letting other people around them until a certain age, and they think breast feeding , or rather breast milk is not the best choice for infants?

    Can anyone enlighten me?

  • Do your own research since I am just trying to pick a fight. Review the conservation Einstein and tell me who was “trying to pick a fight”.

  • @ Donkey Punch

    Which conservation are we to review, Mr. Einstein? Saving the DoDo bird? *it seems to have worked*

    I personally have many friends that are Scientologists and their children are polite, well behaved, and well educated. Scientology is no more far fetched than most religions. Remember, the actual basis of religion is based on brainwashing or it wouldn’t continue to control the masses. It’s people like you that embrace war over religious beliefs and have been instrumental in killing countless innocent human beings over thousands of years. You just can’t stand back and let everyone enjoy their own beliefs, can you? The angry ones never can.

  • @ Crash Corset

    Most wars are caused by religion you fool. You are one of the uninformed Christians who feels a need to defend Scientology because your own crazy religion teaches about imaginary friends.

    Scientology is a cult. They force their members to “disconnect” from people who aren’t part of the cult (family members too). Any real religion doesn’t cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to worship. Scientology isn’t about a deity and is not a religion at all. They only claim to be a religion so they don’t have to pay taxes and so they get protected by nuts like you.

  • Forgot to mention that the only thing Scientology has in common with most religions is that they hate gays. They believe that gays can and should be cured by “studying” Scientology.

    L Ron Hubbard’s own son was gay and was treated so badly that he eventually killed himself.

    I guess you support these “religions” of hate?

  • @ Donkey Punch

    Well, I think there is obvious proof that gays have been cured by studying Scientology. As an example, Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Patrick Swayze have all been cured, to name a few.

    Also, I’m not a Christian. Like you I’m an Athiest, so you don’t have to rail on me about religious differences and how cruel religion has been to mankind. And to quote a wonderful role model:

    “I don’t believe in God. My god is patriotism. Teach a man to be a good citizen and you have solved the problem of life.” — Andrew Carnegie

  • For more info on how religion is harmful, try reading:

    God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything by Christopher Hitchens


    The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

    I read them both recently and learned a lot.

  • So now they’re saying she named her twins Harper and Finley. Did she forget she had girls? Oh well, at least it’s not Moxie and Sunday.