Today's Evil Beet Gossip

“Why You Leave Your Ass Beads Here, Bitch?”

Okay, this is the funniest video I’ve ever seen in my whole life.

This is Karrine “Superhead” Steffans, showing off anal toys that former fiance Darius McCrary — yes, the dude who played Eddie Winslow on Family Matters — left at her house.

Early in the summer, Darius filed a restraining order against Superhead and basically accused her of being a psychotic bitch. I suppose this is her retaliation.

I have to say, though, I never thought much of Superhead until I watched this video. She’s a fucking riot! This chick is awesome. “Fuckin’ ass particles!”

Heh, I remember this one time I was on a road trip with some friends, and this one dude farted in the car. And my girlfriend was like, “Ewwww! How dare you???” and the guy was like, “Why do you care so much? It’s just a fart,” and my girlfriend was like, “Dude, don’t you understand? The molecules that were up your ass five seconds ago are now up my nose.” I never thought about farts the same way again.

Anyway. If you’re gonna watch this video at work, do it with headphones on.

20 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Hahahaha – I always yell at my husband about having to breathe in his his “fart particles!” Now I can prove that it’s not just me.

  • everyone farts and everyone burps
    maybe americans have a more open and honest attitude towards farts
    than europeans
    I hate when I’m amongst people who do it sneakishly
    leaving doubts as to who did it.
    There’s a “gentleman’s” joke of a XIX writer in my country
    who stated:
    “the fart that came out of that lady, wasn’t hers, but my own”

  • There is something about her that I love, but also, she seems very different in this video than how she tries to come of on television shows like Oprah and VH1.

  • There is something about her that I love, but also, she seems very different in this video than how she tries to come of on television shows like Oprah and VH1.

  • she knows damn well those belong to her….would u really touch something that was in someone else’s ass…i dont think so…she is a mad whore who got dumped…

  • @ Anal Toy- Yea… except she was probably using them ON HIM.. They’re usually used in partner sex, she even said she introduced them to him. I’m sure she’s touched his ass and so touching the toys wasn’t a big deal… they were probably also cleaned.

  • She is one crazy assed bitch! Did you hear how she laughed – it was like an evil cartoon laugh! I wouldn’t trust a thing this psychotic wanna-be fame grabber says.

  • @ darkempress, idk if being disgusted with toys like these is what people nowadays would consider “normal”, seeing as sex toys sell pretty well, but i have to agree with you 100%, this is disgusting!!! i will never understand how people actually get turned on by that kind of stuff, ugh.

  • I’m not a betting man, but I would bet those are not his… she bought them and tossed them into a take-out food bag and made the video as revenge.

  • She tried too hard so i believe she is lying. I can see her hurt, and revenge and cRaZiNess in her eyes. I’ve had psycho chicks on me also in the past.