Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jennifer Hudson Is a Disney Princess Now

jennifer hudson disney

Jennifer Hudson may be annoying as hell and sort of overrated, but you have to admit she looks great as Princess Tiana from The Princess and The Frog, right?  Annie Liebovitz took the shot – called ‘Where You Always Follow Your Heart’ – for Disney’s Dream Portrait series, which has been putting stars into the Disney world since 2007.

There are more shots of Jennifer as Tiana, but those will be published in the coming months in Vanity Fair, O Magazine, etc. In the meantime, we’ve got some behind-the-scenes pics and one that Jennifer posted on her Instagram page with her adorable 4-year-old son, David.

What do we think? Does Jennifer Hudson make a good Disney princess? (I actually think she looks lovely!) Who else should take part in the series and who should she become? Has anyone been Alice from Alice In Wonderland? That’s my personal favourite Disney movie, just FYI.

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