Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Hating on Scientology is Fun for Everyone!

Okay, part of me feels kind of bad whenever I make fun of Scientology. Because, like, it is a religion, and we do support religious freedom in this country, and I’m all about that, and if I ran a video like this about, say, Mormonism, I’d hear no end of shit about it, but for some reason most people seem to be a-okay with hating on Scientology. I think it’s just that any religion involving a character called “Xenu” is just begging to be picked on.

Here’s actor Jason Beghe — who’s had small roles and guest spots in a trillion TV shows and movies dating back to the mid-80s — spewing off about how much he hates Scientology. This is after he was an active Scientologist for many years. I can’t understand most of what he’s saying — it’s all in Scientology terms — but I know he’s probably not a big fan of the religion anymore. The cussing gives that away.

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    Sorry for the Caps. You know I love you. I just really, really, really, really fucking hate Scientologists and I’d be really disappointed if one read your blog and thought that you were, like, supportive or some shit. You know?

  • Scientology is NOT a religion and people need to stop calling it that. They only call it a religion because it provides them with a tax shelter and government protection.

    They do not believe in a “god” other than perhaps L. Ron Hubbard who was a criminal and wife abuser. His own gay son killed himself because Scientology attacks gays and thinks it is a sickness that can be cured.

    Beet you need to get educated about the cult that is a pyramid scheme for profit.

  • To emphasize what Donkey Punch said… they actually declared it a religion after many of its authorities were prosecuted for practicing medicine and psychiatry without a license. Now they can do whatever crazy things they want!

  • oh beet…i KNOW you didn’t just say that!!! i think you’re pretty much the most genious blogger around, but that was a laaaame statement.
    naming scientology a religion is an abomination and a clever marketing trick that the scientologists themselves use in order to make their insane and destructive beliefs legitimate. that shit is NOT okay.
    an actual religion would never take money from its supporters in order for them to gain insight. scientology is a brainwashing, moneymaking machine that has ripped of several of the large worldreligions and added some elements from Starwars. please do not ever again support the notion that it is a religion! maney people read this blog and they do not need to get confused about this issue. scientology is sick and wrong on so maney levels.