Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Betty Whites hometown establishes “Betty White Day”!

When you think “Betty White” and “hometown” your mind probably goes straight to St Olef.  The town that Rose Nylund of the Golden Girls is from.   But the real Betty White was actually from a different small town called Oak Park, Illinois.

The president of the Village of Oak Park, Vicki Scaman told TMZ that the residents of Oak Park loved Betty and considered her theirs, despite her moving to LA.  She still visited family in Oak Park and always spoke highly of it.

TMZ says that a few days before Betty’s birthday, Village Prez Scaman will read a proclamation for “Betty White Day” during a memorial for community members in Oak Park.

For Betty’s special day, the Oak Park small business community is banding together to offer discounts to customers and “Betty White specials.”  That’s adorable.