Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Michael Sheen selling his homes to raise money for homeless

You don’t find many people willing to literally put their money where their mouth is.  Michael Sheen has set the bar.

The actor announced he’s becoming a not-for-profit actor in a bid to raise as much as possible to help the homeless population in Wales.

Michael told the Big Issue about how he put up the $2.5m needed to bankroll the 2019 Homeless World Cup in Cardiff when funding for the project fell through at the last moment.

After realizing what his money could do, he decided to sell his homes in Los Angeles and London to raise further funds to help more people.

He said: “I got to know people and organizations within my home town that I didn’t know existed – little groups who were trying to help young carers, who had just enough funding to make a tiny difference to a kid’s life by putting on one night a week where they could get out and go bowling or watch a film and just be a kid.”

Michael said he can easily earn the money needed to fund a lifestyle that includes helping the people of Wales.
